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Showing posts from May, 2016

School Progress, Life

The Autistic Me goes in cycles, as do most blogs, based on my "free" time for this endeavor. Since it isn't a paying gig, it has to come after work, school, and family. I'm sure most readers understand that. In January, I resumed work towards my MFA, something I started in 2006 in California. Now, ten years later, it appears likely I can finish the degree in December. My MFA was going to be in Creative Writing, with an emphasis on [spoken] poetry and theater, but I switched to an MA and completed my Ph.D in 2010. Now, my MFA will be in Film and Digital Technology, an admission that "digital media" are the best way to reach some audiences. One of my projects this semester was an interview with artist and activist Selene dePackh. You can see a short version of that interview here: Selene dePackh: Working as Prodiga diNero There are a lot of things happening in life right now. At least I have something