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Showing posts from December, 2022

Matthew J. Brownstein on Meditation, Hypnotherapy, and Spiritual Growth

Matthew J. Brownstein is the CEO of Anahat Education Group and the Executive Director of the Institute of Interpersonal Hypnotherapy.  Matthew founded the International Association of Interpersonal Hypnotherapists, and where he teaches the Anahat Meditation System. He is the author of five books, including The Sacred Geometry of Meditation , The Sutras on Healing and Enlightenment , and Interpersonal Hypnotherapy . Matthew is a student and teacher of A Course in Miracles and offers free classes on Meditation, Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Growth, and Life Mastery Work through the Institute. He is the founder of the Interpersonal NLP Society, Silent Light Publishers, and IGE Business Networking Groups. When not working on the Vision of Anahat Education Group, Matthew enjoys hiking, kayaking, yoga, and meditation from his home in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. Monday Night Conscious Community Classes – Over 500 hours of free online class recordings on hypno

DJ Stutz, Parenting Coach and Podcast Host

DJ Stutz, is an Early Childhood Specialist with more than 20 years of teaching experience.  DJ has an immense love for children with five of her own, 12 grandchildren and 70 nieces and nephews. She understands the challenges and concerns that come with parenting. She offers parent coaching in group or one-on-one sessions to support parents in their most important job. On her podcast, Imperfect Heroes: Insights Into Parenting, DJ and her guests share knowledge and experience through thoughtful episodes whose subject matter is designed to help parents develop the confidence and peace to be a great parent and an imperfect hero raising independent, productive, and happy children.                         DJ’s parent company is Little Hearts Academy, where they have several free resources and access to group coaching and one-on-one coaching. The Autistic Me on Social Media Blog: Podcast: https://autisticme.libsy