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Showing posts with the label Generation Rescue

"You're not really autistic!"

On another online site, a parent of a "recovering" child with autism pointedly claimed that those of us who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders as adults are somehow not genuine. Among the comments posted to Left Brain/Right Brain ( ): How does it just dawn on somebody they are on the spectrum??? How do others that are older decide they are on the spectrum??? Schools won't even take real diagnostics so none of the self made Adult Asperger's have any real claim to anything but a way to put down what helped my child to not be on the list of who you're searching for. The thread, both on LB/RB and as carried on elsewhere, is appalling. A parent actually had the gall to message me that I was not actually disabled, but was instead hiding behind the cover of autism to shill for the government and big medicine. This person argues that anyone speaking, traveling, blogging, and conducting research can't possibly have a "s...

Autism Awareness... A Month of Disputes

With Autism Awareness Month beginning, so are the annual debates on various online forums and within the media. For the next month, expect stories on the debates, the controversies, etc. involving autism. On LiveJournal yesterday there were more than 50 posts within a few hours on the puzzle piece icons / logos used by various autism-related organizations. The vast majority of posts were from people with ASDs who view the puzzle quite negatively. One reason for the depth of distaste is the association of the puzzle with Autism Speaks. If you really want to get people arguing, mention Autism Speaks, Generation Rescue, Autism Society of America, and Autism Self-Advocacy Network within any forum. The views of these organizations are often not grounded so much in logic as faith. Some people really, really dislike one or more of these groups. The groups themselves fight for funding and public attention, plus there is local-level animosity in some places. I am a member of the Autism So...

Junk Mail

I am somehow on a "Generation Rescue" mailing list. I have no idea how this happened, but it means I am learning just want the snake oil industry is pitching to parents: Children's Liver Restorative Kit The foundation for any detox program is the body's hardest working organ - the liver. The Kid's Liver Restorative Kit opens detox pathways. Benefits include a decrease in aggressive, explosive anger and more appropriate social interactions. 2 month supply for average child. $99 with Discount for Generation Rescue parents (Savings of $28) Wow, you save $28 on a magical cure for aggressive behavior. Improved social interaction, too! What a deal! I'm receiving offers like this once or twice a week, now. One offered a hyperbaric chamber for only $5000. Another great bargain. Sorry, but for half that price I can get the hot tub I've always wanted. Yes, I find this all quite disturbing. Then again, I do like nice heavy comforters in the winter and Genera...

Autism Diagnostic Rate

I've written many times that the diagnostic rate for any condition is not the same as the actual prevalence. Examples of sudden "explosions" in diagnoses, abound, from various cancers to mental health conditions. In some cases, diagnoses were impossible. In others, conditions were clarified and reclassified by improved science. Anyway... these are for consideration. I generally distrust some of the sources, but the links are interesting enough that people can read them and reach their own conclusions. The odds are, most people have conclusions and will decide to agree with those supporting an existing bias. From Left Brain/Right Brain is this good link: New Statistics Due. Autism Rate 1 in 100? And here the above blog's predictions about the media coverage are somewhat proved: David Kirby on HuffPost I don't care who you do or don't believe. What matters is we are about to be buried by another round of scary statistics. Parents are going to hear "1 in 100...

Autism Awareness... and Misinformation

Why in the world CNN and many other media outlets decided to give "equal time" to various autism experts like Jenny McCarthy is beyond me. This is like giving equal time to the Flat Earth Society when discussing El Niño and ocean currents. McCarthy, Kirby, and others are using Autism Awareness Day to promote misinformation, speculation, and conspiracy theories. I was going to rant and rave, but I know the anti-vaccine mob will never be convinced of anything. We could present a thousand reports on genetic predisposition, genetic triggers, and alternative environmental factors... it would not matter. Some, like myself, believe there are environmental triggers, but the popular media can't write a story without mentioning MMR vaccines. Autism clusters in California overlap specific agricultural crops. This points to anything from soil contamination to the residual pesticides wafting in the local air. Who knows? I certainly would be curious to map asthma and autism,...