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Showing posts from 2019

Autism and Diets

Do my autistic traits change based on my diet? Only if you try to take my pastries, cookies, or donuts from me! Check out this episode!

Holiday Planning

The holiday season includes a lot of sensory inputs, social interactions, traveling, and more. In this episode, I offer a few tips based on our experiences as a family. Check out this episode!

Difficulties Sleeping

Getting to sleep and staying asleep are difficult for me and many autistics. A parent asked me for advice, but I'm still trying to find my own solution to the challenges of sleep. Check out this episode!

Driving as The Autistic Me

Driving requires a lot of cognitive focus, which isn't easy with constant sensory input. Autism complicates what some people take for granted. In the United States, driving can be nearly essential for education, work, and medical care. Check out this episode!

A Need for Order and Routines

My theory is that a need for order and predictability corresponds to a desire to reduce cognitive overhead. I seek to control my workspace, my spaces at home, and my belongings. I don't seek to organize spaces that are not mine, unlike some of the OCD individuals I know. Your space can be messy - but not mine. You can use whatever pencil you want - I'll use my favorite brand.     Check out this episode!


My wife and I are like other parents: unsure of ourselves and doing our best to be good role models. If there is something different about being an autistic parent, I'm not sure what that might be.  Note: Forgive the quality. Recorded in an empty room in our new house with horrible echoing.  Check out this episode!

Season Three Launch

I hope this third season of The Autistic Me Podcast meets audience expectations. If you leave comments or email me, I’ll do my best to address the issues of concern. It would be nice to have more guests and maybe a cohost or two for some open-ended discussions. Please share your suggestions.   The Autistic Me blog posts mentioned: Moving to Texas: Parents by Choice: Marriage: Check out this episode!

Jennifer Jordan of Unabridged Press

Unabridged Press is changing media for good (double meaning intended), expanding and elevating digital media, first, and primarily by creating high-quality audio podcasts about topics, people, and places previously underrepresented. A respect for the environment, investors, work partners, and society will be woven into the company’s work, our purchasing, and beyond. The organization is a for-profit LLC formed with public benefit principles in March 2015. Unabridged Press projects are fiscally sponsored by the nonprofit New Sun Rising. We welcome your support through their website. By clicking here , you’ll be redirected to their secure site. Larger sponsorships or donations are also welcome. To request a sponsorship package information packet, please contact Jennifer Szweda Jordan at 412-200-2017 or Jennifer Szweda Jordan (Twitter: @Jeniferpossible ) has worked previously editing and writing for The Associated Press, radio freelancing for NPR, h...

Scott on Education

I am not a success. I am not an academic inspiration story. I could write a book about my experiences as a student and educator. I’ve started just such a project several times, and each time I’ve decided it isn’t helpful since it is one failure after another. There’s a lot more to say than what follows, but it’s enough to remind people that education is no better than any other path for an autistic individual. I’d argue education is difficult for any disabled person. Higher education is particularly uninviting and unsupportive. The assumption is that because I have completed various degree programs, I must have mastered how to succeed in higher education. The reality is more complex. Yes, I do have two terminal degrees, a doctorate and a master of fine arts, but the journey towards those degrees was fraught with academic and social failures. If you have questions or thoughts, visit the blog or join our community on Facebook. https://www.facebook....

Daniel Sansing on Theory and Teaching

Daniel Sansing discusses his interest in writing and communication theories. Sansing studies academic composition and teaching composition courses.  The myth that autistics are only concrete thinkers dismisses the uniqueness of individuals. Yes, some of us are concrete thinkers... and we can still study theories, too.  I study rhetoric and writing, but not first-year college composition, which is a course designed to help students transition into higher education.  Check out this episode!

The Most Popular Topics

Three topics generate the most traffic to The Autistic Me: Relationships, Education, and Employment. I'm not really an expert in any of these areas, but people seem to assume I know something.  If you have questions or suggestions, be sure to visit the blog page, Facebook, or Twitter.     Check out this episode!