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Showing posts from March, 2022

Kim Bass and Major Dodson Discuss the Film Tyson's Run

Since 2010, there have been at least three dozen significant autistic characters in feature films and four dozen autistic characters in literary fiction. And, of course, we’ve also seen more autistics on series television. “The Good Doctor,” “Atypical,” and Amazon’s new series “As We See It” are just three quick examples of series with autistic lead characters. Today we will be discussing the new feature film Tyson’s Run with writer-director Kim Bass and the film’s star, Major Dodson. Tyson’s Run follows fifteen-year-old autistic Tyson Hollerman as he attends public school for the first time. While helping his father, the school’s head football coach, clean up during the team’s practice, Tyson befriends champion marathon runner Aklilu. Tyson becomes determined to run his first marathon in hopes of winning his father's approval. Tyson’s Run will open in theatres on March 11, 2022. Tyson’s Run website:   Major Dodson - Tyson Hollerman MAJOR DODSON is be

Gabi and Mary Angelini of Gabi’s Grounds

Gabi and Mary Angelini of Gabi’s Grounds join The Autistic Me for this episode of The Autistic Me. Gabi discusses her quest for fulfilling employment, being bullied, and much more. From Gabi and Mary: Gabi is a 24-year-old active, motivated adult with Down Syndrome. When she wanted to find a job, she searched and applied for many positions but could not get hired. She has big dreams and wants to be a productive member of society as well as to be active in the workplace. There are many others like her, with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Currently, 82.5% of IDD individuals of all ages are unemployed. We launched Gabi’s Grounds Coffee in 2017 to give her and others the opportunity to be productive, responsible employees. We are not just telling people they should hire people with disabilities; we are doing it! We are leading by example. We have just secured warehouse space in Raleigh and hired 34 people with special abilities and we are searching for a suitable locatio