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Martha Engber Author of Bliss Road

Originally recorded 14 June 2023

About Bliss Road:

In this sometimes funny, often devastating memoir, Martha Engber describes the arduous journey toward discovering the invisible roadblock that ran her life off course: her psychological distress is the result of being the neurotypical daughter of a dad with undiagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder, a condition that affects over 75 million people worldwide.

Martha uses personal anecdotes and research about the emergence of ASD as a diagnosis to explain the psychological, emotional and social challenges she faced as a child, then as an adult and parent. Along the way, she shows the sometimes harrowing, but eminently rewarding, route others can follow to chase down the source of their family angst and so reach a more blissful future.

Martha Engber is the author of Winter Light, an IPPY Gold Medal Winner in Young Adult Fiction. Her other books include the novels The Falcon, The Wolf and the Hummingbird, and The Wind Thief, and the Resource for Writers, Growing Great Characters from the Ground Up. A speaker and workshop facilitator, she’s had dozens of short stories and poems published in literary magazines and a play produced in Hollywood. She lives in California with her husband, bike and surfboard. She invites readers to connect via her website,

Order Bliss Road on Amazon. []

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