A Little Bit of Activism

In January, 2014, I was elected to the board of directors for the Advisory Board on Autism and Related Disorders (ABOARD), Autism Connection of Pennsylvania. For information about ABOARD's Autism Connection services, visit http://autism-support.org/.

Readers know that I'm not a rally or march type of activist. My activism is quiet, personal, and usually through engagement with students and educators. I speak to groups whenever asked, providing my perspective and offering advice when possible. This one-on-one and small-group activism is more comfortable, and I believe the most effective use of my skills.

Simply doing my job is a form of activism. I don't claim to be a role model and I don't intend to inspire others. What I do is demonstrate that those with various physical and neurological challenges can be, and should be, productive members of our communities.

ABOARD supports individuals through education, job training, and social skills supports. The purpose of the Autism Connection is to connect those needing services with support providers and experts.

I look forward to contributing to the success of the Autism Connection of PA in whatever ways I can.


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