Lessons from the shaming of chemically castrating doc who “endangers autistic children and exploits their parents”

I have written about Dr. Mark Geier and his son, David, in the past. I refused to recommend a book that referenced the Geiers' "research" because I was so upset anyone would take these men seriously. (See previous posts.) The following article is not surprising to me. It is sad.

Lessons from the shaming of chemically castrating doc who “endangers autistic children and exploits their parents”
By Seth Mnookin
Posted: May 4, 2011

According to this ruling (see original article for PDF download) by the Maryland State Board of Physicians, which was issued last week, Mark Geier has had his license to practice medicine suspended in the state in which he is based. (As far as I can tell, this doesn’t affect Geier’s ability to practice in the other states in which he’s licensed, including California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington.) That this move comes years too late for scores of children does not mean it is not incredibly welcome.
As I stated already… sad.


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